Your Loving Humanist Wedding

Are you getting married and looking for a special wedding ceremony that is unique to your relationship and spiritual world view? Are you looking for a ceremony beyond the traditional or conventional format found in most religious denominations?

Humanist wedding officiants offer a different approach that may suit your background and personal comfort level. You may also be seeking guidance in formulating your own approach to a ceremony that represents one of your most important milestones of your life.

Ministers of the Church of Humanism have been conducting a wide range of humanistic wedding ceremonies in a wide range of locales. From the grounds of Central Park and Yale University to the rooftops of Manhattan and the Empire State Building, from luxurious private homes to marinas and beaches, these ministers have joined couples of different backgrounds and religions, leading them in their exchange of wows. Most have agreed the ritual marked a superb launch of a successful marriage.

Our ministers are available to help you and to perform your one-of-a-kind wedding.

For more information, click here to send us a quick note with your contact information or inquiry.

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Dear Reader,

None of the materials, books, essays or lectures should be read or accepted uncritically, nor should any one of them be considered an authoritative and dogmatically binding thesis representing a humanist doctrine. We do not want "followers"; or "true believers"; but freethinking partners in a great spiritual enterprise.