In Remembrance..

Joseph Ben-David, since 1966 an activist and leader of the Humanist movement on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, passed away peacefully on October 7, 2020, at the age of 100.  Over the course of a long career, he attracted large numbers of followers with his teachings on humanist psychology, philosophy, and spiritual identity. A highly motivated public speaker and educator, he helped his followers interact on a foundation of reason, mutual understanding, and self-actualization.

Memorial Service video...

Joseph Ben-David, a Unitarian Humanist, independent thinker, energetic public speaker, and tireless social activist was celebrated by colleagues, friends, and family members. The memorial service was held at the Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York (CPW at West 76th St) on May 20, 2023.

To read a more biographical chronology of Joseph’s life click here

About the Church of Humanism Founder Joseph Ben-David

An Interview: The Future of the Czech Unitarian Society


Joe Ben-David, Unitarian Humanist & Social Activist


A Tribute - Winifred Latimer Norman Award


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Dear Reader,

None of the materials, books, essays or lectures should be read or accepted uncritically, nor should any one of them be considered an authoritative and dogmatically binding thesis representing a humanist doctrine. We do not want "followers"; or "true believers"; but freethinking partners in a great spiritual enterprise.