A Humanist Welcome
Welcome to the Church of Humanism and its division, the Humanist Foundation. The Church of Humanism was founded in New York in 1973 as the only Humanist religious organization that affirms God as a fusion of naturalism and realism.
Our philosophy of life is based on a deep faith in the values of reason, love, and intuition and a call to conscience that relates particularly to issues of justice, freedom, and peace. We greatly value the study and the application of humanistic psychology and philosophy, and we take inspiration from the wisdom of Martin Buber, Erich Fromm, Hannah Arendt, Carl Rogers, Karen Horney, Stanley Krippner, Wilhelm Reich, and other pioneers in the field of human relations.
We will continue to post audio and video recordings of past meetings whose content remains relevant and informative today. We encourage you to explore our site’s information about the unique philosophy and history of the Church, as well as an outline of the life and ideas of founder and Senior Minister, the Reverend Joseph Ben-David, 1920-2020.
The following are video interviews and clips with Joseph Ben-David. We hope to further his life-long goal of inspiring social and personal activism.